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 I came up with this idea in a moment of frustration with myself, after misplacing my license which is something I do almost weekly. Ever since I was a little girl, I have been undeniably clumsy and forgetful. As the youngest sister, I was often ragged on for this by my older sisters which really only made my quirks show more often. Many a time, I held the ice cream money and it would get whisked away on the walk and to this day, my mother can not keep a full, matching set of drinking glasses.

These character traits of mine have never been something I have accepted. It’s something I’ve tried to grow out of and hide. Clumsy is a zine composed of original patterns and illustrations, which reflect the numbers found in my data.


Software Used

 Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, 



Flowers, Laser scanner, Guache paint, Bristol Board




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