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Riva is a  manual toothbrush whose sleek design uses less plastic and is made of recycled materials. Riva is inspired by shapes found in nature. By mimicking the world around us, we discover that simplicity is both efficient and natural. 



At first, the main goal of this project was to create graphics that emphasize the unique ergonomics of the body, material selection, and alignment with Colgate's sustainability standards. Riva is made of recycled PET, the same material which plastic water bottles are made of.  The toothbrush cuts down production costs by using a design that has a lower resin fill time. As the project developed and gained more attention from the Marketing team, I began to work on packaging and advertisement mock-ups. I aimed to maintain an organic, flowy feeling throughout the design process. 



Cinema4D, Adobe AfterEffects, Adobe Premiere, Procreate




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The motion media piece above highlights the features of Riva, a manual toothbrush with an environmental conscious. I was responsible for every part of the design process, apart from designing the brush itself, which was done by the industrial designers at Colgate. To the left, are the icons I illustrated to use in the Riva motion graphic. Above is the color palette to be used across the entire Riva project. My inspiration for the color palette was sea glass and ocean coral reefs. ​


Above are sketches of potential packaging solutions for Riva. Riva would be sold as a value brush, in a pack of two or four, in order to grant access to environmentally conscious products to a wider consumer base. When designing these images and sketches, I wanted to experiment with a new color palette, straying away from the trademark Colgate red. Additionally, I reinforce the "Riva" brand by using repetitive, organic shapes that mimic the ergonomic quality of the brush itself. 

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Once the project started gaining moment at Colgate, I was tasked with designing advertisements for the brush. Colgate is at a point of transformation: they are focusing much more on social and environmental initiatives. By investing time and energy to branch into a more current, modern design space, Colgate is beginning to become a more complex and relatable company to younger and older generations alike. 

 Below are the first animations I made while working on the Riva project. I aimed to create shorter animations that point to Riva’s elegant simplicity and sustainable values in a concise way. Among the most notable features of the brush is its material, both in origin and aesthetic. So during the storyboarding phase, I aimed to highlight the material journey as well as the beautiful look which resulted from it.

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